Of all the Natural therapies, Physiotherapy is the most aligned with Western Medicine. Established over many years, the processes and treatments used by Physiotherapists have worked as an adjunct to, and in support of, the work of Doctors and other medical professionals. Physiotherapy uses well-proven techniques to restore movement to people who may have suffered an injury, a disability or some health conditions.
An examination has 2 parts – an in-depth discussion of symptoms and related health questions, then a physical examination – observation of movement and more detailed assessment of the involved muscle, joint and nerve complexes. We review other assessments such as x-rays & ultrasound – and communicate with and refer to any other practitioners involved, or required to provide the optimal cohesion and best outcome . Treatment will be determined by that assessment and will usually be a mix of some of the following – Stretch, massage, trigger point release, joint mobilisation, postural correction, strengthening and exercise regimes, breathing retraining, heat and ice applications, orthotic prescription, sports taping and movement retraining. |