Canine osteopathy presents a natural therapy option for Dogs with muscular or skeletal problems. With a couple of dogs of her own, Canine osteopath Mandy Moon has a love of dogs which is exceeded only by her knowledge of canine anatomy. Some gentle manipulation and slight bone movement is sometimes all an animal needs to bring it relief from problems which may have been ‘dogging it’ for a long time!
Dogs also benefit from acupuncture sessions, the same as humans. By stimulating the release of naturally occurring pain relieving and anti-inflamatories acupuncture may decrease the amount of pain medications needed to treat a dog. Acupuncture has no systemic side effects, so it is particularly helpful for dogs in poor health. If your favourite companion or working dog is having trouble sleeping, is restless or you can tell is suffering from an ongoing physical complaint, give us a call and let’s see if we can help solve the problem – and bring some ongoing relief. Dogs are treated at our Warkworth Canine Suite. |